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Get to know the history of our laboratory

Our due tribute to Professor Alfredo Ximenez ɫ, eminent mastozoologist and founder emeritus of the Laboratory of Aquatic Mammals (LAMAQ), of the Federal University of Santa Catarina and of his scientific collection of mammals on the 4th of May 1988.

Professor Alfredo Ximenez, mentor of LAMAQ, his wife, Graciela Canela and the professor and coordinator of the laboratory, Paulo César SImões-Lopes (back).

Currently, the laboratory and its research group are an international reference, having collaborated directly in the organization and holding of Latin American congresses, symposia, round tables and conferences, in addition to numerous university extension courses and in the training of young biologist scientists. , oceanographers and veterinarians. Dozens of undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies have made use of LAMAQ's facilities, the productive work environment, serious scientific initiation training and its reference collection.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We study environmental quality through whales, dolphins, otters, seals and fur seals that inhabit the coast of Brazil, especially the coast of Santa Catarina. We studied the ecology, ethnobiology, behavior and bioacoustics of these animals, their feeding ecology and what can be read in the stable isotopes and by molecular biology, the morphology and biomechanics of their skeletons and teeth, zooarcheology, systematics, taxonomy , and the diseases that affect them. We seek to know the anthropogenic impacts and propose solutions for Conservation.


Skulls of bottle-nosed dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) in the laboratory's scientific collection.  

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Several bottle-nosed dolphin skulls (Tursiops truncatus ) for a practical workshop on their ecotypes, offshore and coastal, held in the laboratory to Members.


Professor Paulo C. Simões Lopes measuring skull of whale sei ( Balaenoptera borealis ).

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Skeleton montage of the species Steno bredanensis in 1988.


Dismounted skeleton of sea wolf ( Arctocephalus australis ).


From left to right: Paulo C. Simões-Lopes, Carolina Gutstein, Gabriela Oliveirta, Danela Fettuccia, Pedro Volkmer de Castilho and Rafael Heinck dissecting a dwarf minke whale ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata ) .

We fight to protect them from extinction, neglect and abuse. We fight for education for all, for conservation and for scientific knowledge. We disseminate everything we learn to the community and are always ready to receive students from all public or private schools and also of all ages. We bring you what we know. We go to the square, the parks or the Cancer Hospital and we do it because we believe in a better life.

We are students and technicians and teachers.

And we are grateful for your support and consideration.

A better environment makes a better life.

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