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Environmental education

The Laboratory of Aquatic Mammals, in addition to conducting academic research, also operates in education. We frequently receive the previously scheduled visit of classes of teachers and students of all school levels , from day care centers, early years, elementary, high school and EJA. We also welcome any group of people interested in getting to know our workspace and a little more about our routine and methodology. In addition, we talked about some curiosities and information about the biology, ecology and conservation of aquatic mammals on the Santa Catarina coast and showed some materials from our scientific collection.

We are a family owned and operated business.

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We at LAMAQ also love to participate in various extension events, inside and outside the University, in which we can communicate with the community and understand how we can contribute to our research in addition to captivating people to become transforming agents of society. Every year we are present at SEPEX - UFSC Research and Extension Week, at Bio na Rua, at UFSC na Praça and at the other events that we are invited to participate. In these moments, our team takes an exhibition of biological materials, such as canals and other bones of different species of dolphins, whales and pinnipeds, in addition to the famous whale fins. We also bring informative materials such as posters and posters and a great desire to hear your stories about these animals and tell us a little bit about ours too!

Follow our Instagram to know what events we will be attending!

Any questions please contact us on Instagram, by email or by phone (+55 48) 3721-7150.

To schedule visits to the Laboratory, click on VISITS and follow the instructions.

We are waiting for you!

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